Elxis is a powerful and rich CMS having many of the features you will need for your site built-in. You can extend more Elxis by installing additional extensions. This article lists the most important Elxis features you will find built-in.
High quality object oriented programming in PHP5 (ready for PHP6).
PDO database layer
Multiligual user interface and content.
Mobile and tablet friendly version.
External authentication methods like Twitter, Gmail, OpenId, etc...
Extendable and configurable user groups and permissions.
Elxis Defender, Security Level, SSL/TLS, encryption and other security related features.
Problem notification (automatic email notifications to site's technical manager on security alerts, fatal errors, and more).
File and APC cache.
Small footprint
Multi-sites support
Right-To-Left languages support.
Sub-categories of any level.
Multi-functional articles and categories.
Built-in commentary system.
RSS/ATOM feeds per category.
APIs for all core features makes developer work extremely easy.
Open search - search through your browser's search box.